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IMPORTANT SCHEDULE UPDATE: Fall sessions have begun! We are open four days a week by appointment only, so if you are interested in visiting the farm, volunteering, or enrolling a child in our session program, please contact us at

Susan Butchko Echard of Trail Blaze Films created this beautiful documentary to tell the story of Exodus Farms and of one of the amazing families whose lives were changed. It’s one of the best ways to see what Exodus is all about, and why what we do here has such an impact on families’ hearts!

Candid (formerly GuideStar) curates up-to-date information on thousands of nonprofits, reporting on their financial transparency, program offerings, board member demographics, and more. Exodus Farms is proud to have received a Gold Seal of Transparency the last four years in a row!

Change a Child

…of a horse farm where kids and horses, from all walks of life, could find love and peace and a NEW purpose for their lives….

Exodus Farms Ministry brings the hope and healing of Jesus Christ to children of all ages through a horsemanship program in a safe and accepting farm environment that gives value and purpose to both the horse and human who have been broken, abused, neglected and/or discarded.

Read more about the history of Exodus and what we do by clicking here.

Our Program
Exodus Farms’ mission is to bring hope, healing, and health – both emotional and physical – to children of all ages (and their families) through a horsemanship program in a safe and accepting farm environment that gives value and purpose to both the horse and human who have been broken, abused, neglected and/or discarded. Through our program, children learn to care for themselves and other living creatures; process their emotions and reactions in healthy ways; build confidence, balance, and coping skills; and develop healthy connections with the community around them.
Our Horses
Exodus works exclusively with donated and rescued horses. Every horse we take in has a lifetime home and an opportunity to find new purpose connecting with and serving broken children in our community. We often tell the kids that we have no perfect horses – just like there are no perfect people – but that we love and care for each one of them despite (and sometimes because of!) their “flaws.” We often find that these “equine therapists” connect deeply with children who have gone through similar life experiences, and watching them find new hope and purpose together is a joy to behold.
Our Kids
We love our Exodus kids! The children in our program come from all walks of life, but all initially are referred to Exodus because they are experiencing pain, trauma, or emotional brokenness in their lives. Being at the farm gives them an opportunity to play, relax, learn, and grow in a safe, encouraging environment. There’s nothing more exciting than seeing one of our Exodus kids accomplish a major milestone, whether that’s as simple as steering a horse by themselves for the first time, or as complex as getting accepted into college! Over the years, some of our program “graduates” have become Youth Volunteers, leading the way for the next generation of Exodus kids to find their own hope, confidence, and bright futures.

Feed Hope

The farm is a team effort! Everything that goes on here is impacted by the love and generosity of our local community. Whether you want to volunteer your time, donate finances or needed items, or pray for our kids, horses, and volunteers, there are as many ways to be involved as there are unique individuals! For more information on any of the various ways to help out, click on the drop-down menus below!

Exodus’s volunteers are the lifeblood of what we do here! Our volunteers minister to hurting kids and families, help us make needed property improvements, assist with the large workload of caring for our “healing herd” of ministry horses, and in general, bless our farm with their skills, talents, and God-given giftings! We are thrilled to have volunteers of any age and skill level. Whether you’d like to come out and water flowers, walk beside a child and a horse, help our good-humored chore team pick up poop, share your fundraising/photography/office skills, or sit on a bench and pray with the families who visit us – if you feel led to volunteer with us, we would love to meet you and introduce you to the various opportunities! For more information, or to contact us about volunteering, please click on the “Volunteer” button below!
Exodus’s day-to-day operations are entirely supported by donations from generous individuals and businesses in our community, with the occasional grant providing for larger projects and property improvements. We absolutely could not do what we do without you! For those able to make a financial donation you can do so by check or through our PayPal link here: . For those who prefer to make an in-kind donation, there are many items, both large and small, that would help our program immensely! A full list can be found here: . Any gift, large or small, is graciously appreciated!!!
Jesus Christ is the foundation of everything that we do here. We love our dedicated team of prayer warriors, and we would love for you to join them! Many amazing testimonies have come from the consistent prayers of dedicated, loving prayer volunteers – they absolutely change lives and hearts!  If you have a heart to serve the farm through intercession and prayer and would like to be notified about urgent or ongoing prayer requests, you can sign up for our prayer team mailing list here:

Join the Team