I’ve been at Exodus Farms since the age of seven. They’ve been so kind and have helped me through so much. Because of them, I’ve gotten out of bed even when my depression felt crippling. Because of them, I’m standing today at seventeen years old and 168 days clean of self-harm.

Jenni and Ash, trainers at Exodus have been a set of listening ears and shoulders to cry on when I need it. They are incredibly kind and gentle with everyone. I find a lot of unconditional love here and I am thankful.

The horses have become my healthiest coping skill. Exodus has helped me out of some of the darkest times. Because of them, I want to get healing, healthier and have a better life. They gave me the confidence and courage to get on medication for my anxiety and mood disorder. They have gotten me so far in my healing. I’ve learned through them I am more than a traumatized kid. Exodus has given me the inspiration of owning my own sanctuary when I’m older. I can be a positive influence like them.


“Today, I watched my daughter get on a horse for the first time, after not having the courage to do so before. One of the program leaders challenged all the kids today to step outside their comfort zone and level up on their riding skills. Every child succeeded and I saw such joy in their faces. You have no idea what this can do to transform someone’s life. This experience will stay with them for a lifetime and can prevent them from continuing the cycle of brokenness that this world is facing.”


“Before Exodus, the kids had extreme anxiety, but at Exodus they learned that the horses can sense what their riders feel, so the kids are motivated to stay in control of their emotions. They help the horse stay calm, by staying calm. They have not learned that in any of their 1 hr. counseling sessions.

Before Exodus, the kids were afraid to trust, but at Exodus they learned to ride with their eyes closed and trust the horse and the horse would trust them as well. They learned that when they give trust, they will get trust back. They have not learned that in any of their 1 hr. counseling sessions.

Before Exodus, the kids felt worthless and unimportant, but at Exodus they saw that people were excited to see them, so much that they would give up their free time to come see them. They learned that they are worthy and important. They have not learned that in any of their 1 hr. counseling sessions.

Before Exodus, they felt weak and powerless, but at Exodus they experienced that even a small person can control a powerful being like a horse by understanding it. They are getting stronger everyday and are feeling more and more powerful after every session. They have not learned that in any of their 1 hr. counseling sessions.

Before Exodus, they were afraid to make friends, but at Exodus they have made many friends. They have not learned that in any of their 1 hr. counseling sessions.

I have searched high and low for a service like this in Shasta County. There are none. Children are our most important resource, above anything else. Anyone that understands that and cares about the health and future of our children will agree that we need Exodus Farms to continue doing what they do for the kids in Shasta County.”

-Susie (grandmother raising her 3 grandchildren)

Since 2008, Remi Vista, Inc. has brought local foster youth, at-risk teens, and children with developmental disabilities to Exodus Farms. We have seen firsthand how the care and life lessons Ginger and her wranglers provide positively impacts the children in our care. We have seen many youths transformed as they work through their disabilities, trauma, abuse, and neglect with horses that also have their own  disabilities and trauma, abuse, and neglect. The love and care shown to the kids is an essential part of them healing and becoming successful young adults.

-Remi Vista, Inc.

“My grandson has autism, is deaf in his left ear, left an abusive home life, was nonverbal and non trusting of people. Since attending the ranch his verbal skills have improved greatly, hes become more trusting, and gets so excited when he knows its his day to go, where the smile on his face only brings joy to my heart. The people there were compassionate to his needs and always showed a great deal of care. I can only imagine what the ranch has done for other children who have been attending a lot longer. This is a ranch where the people have compassion and love for these kids. I can’t think of another place where my grandson could go to get his needs met like Exodus Ranch has. Never have I seen a more positive outcome on the community in all aspects.”

-Elaine (grandmother raising her grandson)

Hi Ginger, did you know that you are my favorite person in the whole wide world and I am so so so so happy to have met you.  You are so so beautiful, just like the heavens.  I am so very happy that I get to come to the ranch every week and ride horses and help out.  I am so happy that you’ve been taking me church.  I am so happy to learn about Jesus Christ.  You are really sweet, generous, kind, loving to everyone.  Thank you for everything.

– Cheyanne

Be Someone's Hero