…..this may look like a happy lil girl in a pink tutu on a polka dotted pony on a sunny day……..but for the Exodus volunteers, she is our motivation….and our inspiration……as we get to see this precious lil one overcome her history of foster care! We get to watch her grin from ear to ear as she masters riding this bumpy horse….and learns to follow directions and persevere and overcome……..and our volunteers’ reward??…countless grins and giggles…..there are over 100 kids that visit Exodus weekly, biweekly, or monthly, and WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you want to do something with a couple hours of your week that will last for eternity, if you want to participate in something that will better our wonderful community…..come invest in the hearts and lives of our kids!….

Exodus Farms is always looking for more volunteers, and horse experience is not necessary.  Below are just a few of the positions we are currently looking to fill.  If you are interested in any of these positions or would like to help us in any other creative ways, please contact us at 530-953-7178 or download the volunteer application here! 🙂 We can’t wait to meet you!

Exodus Farms Ministry Application

Exodus Farms Liability Waiver

We have many volunteer opportunities available, depending on your background, experience, and interests:

Chore Help

At this time, we urgently need people to help us with the morning chores of a working horse farm. Chores include feeding, leading horses to pastures, scrubbing water buckets, and wheelbarrow work (poop pickup etc. 🙂 ). In exhange for your hard work, we offer you a peaceful environment full of friendly horses who will visit you while you work! 😀

Landscaping Help

Weedeating, mowing, trimming, cleaning up flower beds, watering, and more! It is helpful if you have some experience, but we are always happy to teach those who want to learn!

Horse Wranglers/Mentors

Our wranglers act as both horse safety helpers and mentors, working with the kids while riding, grooming, and interacting with the horses. Some of our wranglers also help with our groundwork-based parenting sessions for adult guardians.


Greeters help to check in kids and families upon arrival at the farm and support families by simply being there to talk and pray with parents! Building community is a HUGE part of our program, and our greeters are vital – they help the families who come to farm feel welcome and stay connected!


Our incredible team of photographers helps to capture the joy, triumphs, hard work, fun, and day-to-day moments of the program so we can tell our story and share our kiddos’ successes on Facebook, the website, and in marketing materials.

Maintenance & Building

The farm is always in need of general handymen and handywomen to help with building and equipment repairs, small equipment maintenance, fencing, and construction projects (experience required).


As an organization that is 80% supported by the donations of generous individuals, we are always appreciative of help getting the word out about what we do to people and businesses who would love to support the children of this community!

Kids' Activity Coordinators

These amazing folks keep kids organized during group activities, parent sessions, and sessions when not all kids can be with the horses at the same time.

Willing Hearts

If you want to help, we want you here! You don’t have to have any special skills – just a heart full of love and a desire to help! You can let us know your area of interest, and we will pair you with one of our experienced volunteers so you can learn.

Want to Tour the Farm?